Laptop hardware problems

I have problem with my accer laptop that I connected DVD external with usb and suddenly it powered off and don't have turned on since now.
when I connect the charger to it, the battery light showd red and great heat in back of cover behind the keyboard.

Any idea?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


New Laptop Issue

I got a new laptop, which costs a lot of money, the laptop has windows 10 64 bit equipped and I setup pin and fingerprint sign in on it But, now when i try to sign in with fingerprint, I am getting an error saying that pin is not setup, even t hough it is. When i go to user profiles, it says that pin is setup and that i can change it, but when i sign out again, or restart, and see, the pin option does not show up nd fingerprint does not work.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

laptop issue


I have an Asus netbook. When I switch it on I either get a grey screen or a sort of blurry coloured screen with different coloured lines running horizontally. Occassionally, it'll fire up as normal and is fine as long as I don't switch it off.

The computer bit appears to be fine as when I plug it into an external screen it all works as normal.

Any idea what the problem could be? And is it worth getting it fixed?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

The palm-size pastel-pink gadget is kind of shaped like an egg

The palm-size pastel-pink gadget is kind of shaped like an egg, almost as light as one, and soft to the touch.

WHY WE LIKE IT:Using tiny silicone bristles and sonic pulsations, the Foreo Luna cleanses and gently exfoliates skin. The nubby bristles can't grow bacteria, so (assuming it never breaks) you never have to replace it. And ours is going strong after five months on a single charge.

LATISSE (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) should be applied usingthe accompanying sterile

LATISSE? (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.03% is supplied sterile in opaque white low density polyethylene dispenser bottles and tips with turquoise polystyrene caps accompanied by sterile, disposable applicators:

3 mL in a 5 mL bottle with 70 applicators NDC 0023-3616-70

5 mL in a 5 mL bottle with 140 applicators NDC 0023-3616-05

Careprost. The detailed instructions for use

Can Careprost be used instead of mascara?No. The product is not mascara. Careprost is the solution for the treatment of the insufficient number of the eyelashes. However, mascara can be used in addition to Careprost. But after a few weeks of the product’s use, the eyelashes become so long and thick that you do not need to use mascara any more.

What should I do if I forget to put Careprost one day?There is no need to try to make up leeway. You should continue to apply the product within the established timetable. Of course, try not to forget to apply it every evening.

Frank Robertson

Hi! It’s been a while since I’m working as programming specialist in a company developing software for writing, writemyessayz editing, scanning, etc. We cooperate with many universities and colleges from all over the world and I have to say that life of students have become easier in the last 20 years. Back in the early days we wasted so much time and paper. Also, we have a program for students who would like to join our teem. I’m happy to be a part of it!


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