UFOs: Speculations Off The Deep End

If bona-fide UFOs are extraterrestrial visitations, then it’s highly improbable that our generation would be the generation to be privy to said visitations. In all probability, such visitations should have and would have extended back into historical times, ancient times, and pre-historical times; in fact they could extend right back to when Planet Earth was just a lifeless ball of solidifying molten rock. They – the extraterrestrials - could have taken an active role in shaping terrestrial evolution while considering themselves stewards of Planet Earth.

UFOs: More Observational Reality Supporting Extraterrestrial Visitations

Each and every UFO investigation has yielded up a reasonable percentage of cases that despite the best scientific and/or military scrutiny remain unknown as to what the ultimate cause was. That is not in dispute.

Unknown cases include not only independent multiple witness testimony, but physical evidence – photographs, motion pictures, radar returns, electromagnetic effects, physiological and psychological effects and physical ground traces. That is not is dispute. You’ll find documentation in the official government investigations and reports.

Cosmology And The Multiple You

The quantum mantra revolves around the theory that in physics, anything not forbidden is compulsory - given enough time and/or space. While there is nothing forbidden about an identical twin(s) of yourself existing elsewhere in the cosmos, how compulsory that is depends on what sort of cosmological model you adopt.

Closer To Reality: More About Time & Time Travel

Time is just one of the most mysterious concepts the human mind has ever invented and grappled with. From what is time, to was time created and if so by God, to what is the state of timelessness and was God in such a state, to whether or not time travel (especially to the past) is possible. Much of what follows arose out of a few debates I had with various others on the general nature of time.

Regarding Time 1

SETI Strategy: Will E.T. Please Stand Still!

The traditional, even the untraditional Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (SETI) has been going on now for over five decades; six decades if you include UFOs, and a century’s worth if you include listening for Martian radio signals. Of course, as we are all well aware, nothing has, to date, come from these extensive searches. Either there’s nothing out there worth searching for, or perhaps one is shooting at a moving target. A better search strategy might be to shoot at a stationary target(s). My suggestion is for an optimal static SETI target – the Moon.

Where Are You Hiding?

You are very much aware of yourself quite apart from your physical body. There’s that mental part of you contained within those little grey cells. It’s your awareness, self-awareness, self-identity, soul, spirit, consciousness, etc. I tend to label it your essence. It’s what makes you, you and consists of memory and personality and knowledge, and related. The problem is, all of that has apparently no physical existence. One could put your brain in a vat, but not your essence. Is something screwy somewhere and if not what are the implications?

Gaia: The Mother Of All Aliens

The asexual and sexual reproductive biology of the ancient Greek Mother Goddess Gaia is impossible as related. Her reproductive skills are akin to a human female giving birth not only to humans but to all sorts of other animals and even monstrosities. No writer of mythology (fiction) even back then would make such a fundamental error if he wanted his fiction to be credible. What’s the alternative? - Aliens.

Against The Grain: An Outline Of An Alternative History

We all know the standard history that leads to you and me. There was the origin of the Universe; an origin to our solar system and Planet Earth. Then there was an origin of life event; biological evolution, ultimately creating multi-cellular life forms, the plants, invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. The mammals diversified into lots of types, one of which were the primates, that branch we evolved from. Somewhere around eight thousand years ago humans became ‘civilized’, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Crop Circles: The Julia Set Near Stonehenge: July 1996

While crop circles have been reported from around the world, in the main they tend to be associated with the English countryside in the warmer months when crops are high and agricultural graffiti artists can strut their stuff. Just who these ‘artists’ are hasn't been proven in any sort of scientific (or legal) court, but just like we all know ‘the butler did it’, well it’s obvious the whodunit here is from the same species as the butler. We have to believe that, because if the butler didn't do it, we got a major mystery on our collective hands that most of us would rather not acknowledge.


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