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We seek submissions of empirical research (preliminary studies, experiments, case or field studies, systematic reviews or meta-analyses) related to new thinking or fresh studies of:
About the theme:
We see rapid scientific and societal changes―a “Great Shift”―all around us. These include mRNA cancer vaccines, electric vehicles, biometrics, digital currency, and 15-minute cities. Pertinent to the SSE, an expanding human consciousness is becoming more evident, with a burgeoning number of scientists, physicians, and engineers expressing the need for intellectual humility and sharing their exceptional human experiences and post-materialistic views, all the while openly discussing, studying and publishing on psi-type phenomena and proposing new theories for mind-matter interactions.
There is also greater public acceptance of UAPs (formerly UFOs), therapeutic use of mind-altering psychedelic substances, and parapsychology, in general. Global Consciousness and One Mind theories, advanced by several SSE members, and previously labeled “fringe” or pseudo-science, are now part of mainstream consciousness studies. Various topics investigated by SSE members, such as remote viewing, near-death experiences, Sasquatch sightings, and energy healing, are frequently reported on social media with hundreds of thousands of followers. The Great Shift is here… and SSE’s worldview is now becoming more commonplace.
If the evidence is sound, unconventional science with its exploratory studies eventually becomes mainstream, so the SSE must “shift” and turn to new areas of unconventional science each year. The 2024 SSE conference will introduce new topics to keep ourselves current in the field of anomalistic science. New areas to explore include anomalous energies at the Great Pyramid, catastrophes and planetary evolution, new technologies, and predicting the future with remote viewing.
We will host long (40-min) and short (20-min) talks in PowerPoint lecture format, and 5-min poster presentations. Presentation acceptance and length will be determined by the Program Committee based on evaluation of the abstracts for:
Abstract Submissions
Abstract submission deadline: June 30, 2024
Who can submit an abstract:
• Full or Emeritus members of SSE
• Associate or Student members of SSE.
Sponsorship by a Full or Emeritus member is encouraged, but not required, for acceptance.
The Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) is a member-supported organization. We appreciate your valuable support and participation!
If you are not currently a member of the SSE, we urge you to join now via the SSE Website, and then submit an abstract.
Please submit your name, speaker biography, email address, title of presentation and abstract (description of scientific talk).
• Abstract: 500 words maximum
• Speaker Biography: 100 words maximum
Here is the link to submit your abstract:
If you have any questions, contact the Program Committee Chair via email:
M. M. Moga, PhD
SSE Conference 2024 Program Committee Chair
You will receive notification of your proposal status by August 15, 2024.