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Published: Jun.21.2012

Effect of Bioelectromagnetic Energy on Human Cells Using Thought Transactions
Jagdish Kohli, San Ramon, CA; Shanmugamurthy Lakshmanan, NJIT, NJ; & Hans Chaudhry, NJIT, NJ (sponsored by Vijay Gupta)

Three forms of energies are responsible for all manifested life including humans; Active Energy, Gross Energy, and Subtle Energy. The mix of these energies varies in each person and differentiates the health of one person from another (Palep, 2004, p. 54). This three-energy interactive model of a holistic human being was discovered thousands of years ago by many saint- and sage-scientists in India. Palep (2004) has explained the scientific foundation of Ayurveda—an ancient Indian system of holistic health and healing. Tamini (1961) has given a thorough commentary on the ancient science of Yoga including Ayurveda. Our objective is to combine concepts from both ancient and modern sciences and give preliminary results that demonstrate the effect of thought transactions on body cells.

Waechter (2002) reviewed extensive literature and hypothesized that the concept Qi energy in the ancient Chinese system of holistic healing is closely related to bioelectromagnetic (BioEM) energy in Western science. Emoto (2005) showed that directed positive thoughts created well- defined crystalline structures in water and negative thoughts created ill-defined structures. Letchoumanane and Gupta (2012) hypothesized that BioEM energy is projected through thoughts, and demonstrated its effect on doubling okra yield.

Our hypothesis is that directing thoughts towards a particular organ, tissue, or group of cells can also change behavior. Human liver and cancer cells and Rat Neurons are considered for the experiments. These cells are separated into two sets: The first set serves as the control against which results are compared using thought transactions. The cells are diagnosed using optical microscopy and impedance spectroscopy (Prodan, 1999). The first set of results from this experiment in progress will be presented.
There is an urgent need to develop a comprehensive quantitative framework combining ancient sciences with modern science for understanding the dynamics of thoughts and regulation of genes in the cells. The success of this research may one day stop the growth of cancer cells and address other major diseases using non-invasive thought-based treatments.