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PaulColletti (Paul Colletti)
Schools Getting Worse in Conservative Government

As per the Institute of Fiscal Studies, a new conservative government in UK would further deteriorate the final position of schools that they are in right now. The Tories might have pledged to allocate £4 bn extra but in reality this increment would mean only £1bn in real terms. If we take the fast increasing numbers of students in account then investment per pupil would fall further by 2022. This is definitely a very serious issue for a lot of education experts.

In comparison to that Labour Party has promised that it would increase spending per pupil by 6% in next parliament. This funding is also important for students since this cuts down a lot of costs like coursework service if there is appropriate funding available to them. IFS claims that to make Labour Party claims real, it would require an increase of around £4.8bn in real terms meaning it would require significant increase in the funding.