2020 SSE/PA Conference Postponed

Greetings Fellow SSE Members:

You’re probably not going to be surprised, but both the SSE and the PA have decided to postpone the planned joint conference for a year. We’ve been hit with a cascading series of whammies, ranging from the biological, through the social, to the economic. Hopefully, the biological will soon pass, but the social and economic fallout may persevere.

Call for Nominations for the 2020 Tim Dinsdale Memorial Award

This is an official call for nominations for the 2020 Tim Dinsdale Memorial Award, presented by the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE). The Award is the only formal recognition for significant contributions made to the expansion of human understanding through the study of unexplained phenomena. The award is not restricted to SSE members.


Remote Viewers Locate Building Beneath Egyptian Desert Undetected by Electronic Sensing Equipment

The 1979 discovery by remote viewers of an ancient Byzantine building buried beneath the Egyptian desert, led by Mobius Group director Stephan Schwartz, finally receives the proper publication it deserves in the Fall 2019 issue of the Journal for Scientific Exploration.


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