Closer To Reality: Does Extrasensory Perception Make Sense?

1) Does ESP (Extrasensory Perception) make sense? Well if ESP made any sense, if say telepathy actually existed, then I probably wouldn't be here writing this in the here and now. Why? If most people sensed and knew what I was thinking about them, especially drivers, they would have long since beaten me about the head and body until I was a bloody pulp. In a more general vein, I'm not aware of any assault or any crime involving violence that can be attributed to anyone reacting to what anyone else was thinking.

Ancient Aliens: A Reasonable Hypothesis Supported By Facts

The entire concept of ‘ancient astronauts’ is a field ripe for detailed academic study, and the concept of the ‘ancient astronaut’ shouldn't be dismissed by scholars are readily as it has been. In support of that rather bold claim, I present the following scenario that is centred on various reasonable hypothesizes as well as various factual observations from human mythologies and archaeologies.

Here’s my outline of why the concept of ‘ancient astronauts’ isn't one that should be readily dismissed by scholars and academics without due consideration to the following.

Reflections On A Pane Of Glass: A Quantum Pain In The Quantum Pane

In quantum physics, you often deduce that those residents of the micro realm, those elementary particles, have some very strange properties bordering on a quasi-free will. They sort of possess a ‘mind’ of their own. They seemingly have the ability to ‘know’ things about their external world and their relationship to that. They make decisions with respect to those relationships and act accordingly. They are not just little inert billiard balls. There are observations to back this up that include an observation you can make at home to verify this. Look outside your window. What do you see?

Astrobiology: It’s Life Jim, But Not As We Know It

Terrestrial life, extinct and past; or alive and present is amazingly diverse – in appearance anyway, but also in the environments they inhabit and the abilities they have to survive and thrive. But under the skin, our fundamental biochemistry, be you T-Rex, or be you a maple tree, or be you a bacteria, or be you, you, well you’re all as closely related as makes no odds. Extraterrestrial life will also be amazingly diverse – in appearance. However, the fundamental biochemistry that makes them, them, might be equally diverse relative to what makes you, you.

A Parallel Analogy Between Supernovae & Cosmology

Parts of the current standard model of the origin of our Universe (the Big Bang event) violate nearly every principle of physics there is – from causality to the conservation laws. There’s got to be a better answer. Fortunately there are cosmological alternatives (not detailed here) including perhaps my own variation on the theme (which is detailed here). Supernovae gave me a possible clue to a cyclic Multiverse.

Mythology’s Extraterrestrial Gods: The Giant Cyclops?

The concept of ‘ancient astronauts’ has been with us for a few decades now, even longer. Those visiting extraterrestrials have been associated with the polytheistic ‘gods’, even at times the monotheistic ‘God’ and His cast and crew (the angels, etc.). However, visions of the ‘gods’ don’t usually include the offbeat, like the mythological giants, and, for the purposes of this exercise, the Cyclops. Are these one-eyed wonders, among other giants, imaginary, or alien?

Physical Reality: Really Real, Pseudo-Real, Or Unreal?

Reality! It’s second nature to us. It is what we live our entire lifetime in and are forever within that lifetime surrounded by. Reality isn't just interacting with matter and energy (and associated forces); ditto time and space, but in lots of less intangible ways like comprehending the names of objects and their nature; dates, and their importance; and places (we've never been to). And there are other concepts you can’t really grasp in your hand yet which you’d consider real – like Wednesdays and blueness and freshness.

Dark Energy: The Ultimate Free Lunch

Science is full of surprising discoveries. One that recently won the Nobel Prize in Physics was the discovery that the Universe is not just expanding, but that expansion rate is accelerating. The cause is a mysterious and unexplained ‘dark energy’ which is ever increasing right along with the accelerating Universe. But if the Universe contains all that is and ever will be, where is this extra ‘dark energy’ coming from and is this creation out of nothing a gross violation of the basic laws and principles of physics? If yes, perhaps there’s an even more surprising alternative.

The Roswell Incident, July 1947

Even if you have relatively little or just a casual acquaintance with UFOs, you’ve no doubt heard of the alleged 1947 UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico. If you’re a serious UFO buff, then Roswell is probably something you have well and truly researched. IMHO, there is a case to be answered here, that to date has not been answered satisfactorily about what really happened in early July, 1947.

Dateline, Roswell, New Mexico, July, 1947:


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