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  • Editorial
  • Column

    • Inference and Scientific Exploration - Mike1 Aickin

    Research Articles


    Letters to the Editor

    • Attempted Replication, Intention Imprinted Electronic Device - William A. Tiller, Walter E. Dibble, Jr., Michael J. Kohane
    • Authors' Response to Tiller, Dibble, and Kohane - Lynne I. Mason, Robert P. Patterson
    • Editorial Response to Tiller, Dibble, and Kohane - Henry H. Bauer
    • Comments on Video Analysis of an Anomalous Image Filmed during Apollo 16 - Philip Shaffer
    • Author's Response to Philip Shaffer's Comments - Hiroshi Nakamura
    • The Appeal of Relativity to the Popular Imagination - Norman Allentoff
    • Author's Reply to Norman Allentoff - Ian McCausland

    Book Reviews

    • European Cases of the Reincarnation Type - Robert Almeder
    • Fendmenos Paranormales: Una Introducci6n a los Eventos Sorprendentes - Stanley Krippner, C. Adrian Hernandez Tavares
    • Psi Wars: Getting to Grips with the Paranormal - Stefan Schmidt
    • Mind at Large: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Symposia on the Nature of Extrasensory Perception (Studies in Consciousness) - Christine Simmonds
    • The Afterlife Experiments/Immortal Remains: The Evidence for Life after Death - Ian Stevenson
    • The Varieties of Religious Experience: Centenary Essays - Jeffrey Mishlove
    • The Long Summer: How Climate Changed Civilization - Kunitomo Sakurai
    • Healing Ways: a doctor's guide to healing - Patricia A. Muehsam
    • Further Books of Note
    • Articles of Interest