The “What If” Game

One of the better and more often used phrases in the English language is “what if”. The “what if” is a staple in science fiction stories: “What if” the British had won the American Revolutionary War? “What if” that killer asteroid had missed the Earth 65 million years ago and the dinosaurs still was the top dog (as it were)? Or, “what if” anti-gravity existed? The possibilities are near endless.

If God Isn’t God, Then Who Or What Is God?

In my opinion, all this Biblical nonsense boils down to a collection of myths and fairy tales for grownups. For those who really have the faith, I’m easy. But I think the concept of the Biblical God (and associated baggage) is the greatest con job ever fostered on the great unwashed. Unless, assuming that God or the gods (i.e. – Zeus, etc.) weren’t totally fabricated out of whole cloth, then maybe, just maybe, the gods, including God, are extraterrestrials.

Some More Thoughts About Quantum Entanglement

If I understand the concept of entanglement correctly, it basically means that if you know the state of one thing (via an observation or a measurement) then you automatically know the state (without an observation or measurement) of some other thing. The two things therefore are entangled. For example, if you know for certain that the top card in a standard deck of cards is the six-of-diamonds; then you also know for certain that the bottom card in the deck is not the six-of-diamonds. The cards in a deck of cards are entangled.

Quantum Entanglement: Spooky Action At A Distance

There’s a quantum category that suggests that observation is not always necessary in order to know something. That’s the phenomena of quantum entanglement. Okay, it’s necessary to observe one thing, but in doing so you don’t have to observe something else in order to know something about it. It’s a phenomena where by two things are entangled and knowing the state of one thing tells you the properties (some of them at least) of the other.

Death, And All That Jazz

“Nothing is certain but death and taxes”, so the saying goes, and while much has been written about taxes, death is my topic under consideration. The concept or subject of death (and closely related subjects) has (much like taxes) spawned billions of words (and conversations), millions of documents, multi-thousands of texts – and for all of that, we’re still none the wiser when it comes to death, or at least post-death! [Taxes we understand!]

Biblical Cryptozoology

Cryptozoology is an endeavour to establish the reality of animal species (often mega-fauna) that are currently unverified or totally unknown. New species (usually insects and micro-fauna) are being discovered everyday. Alas a lot will never be verified because we humans unknowingly have driven them to extinction. Mythologies around the world are full of unknown mega-fauna, which truth be known, if they have or had existence it is or was extraterrestrial in nature. Here I briefly look at the most popular of all mythological texts, the Bible, to see what might be of zoological interest.

God’s Population And Environmental Policy: Genesis 1: 28

One part of the Bible that people like and take seriously is that God commands people to have sex – with the opposite sex of course, even if only for the purpose of producing more people who will grow up and eventually have sex, etc. Humans tend to be very good at this, regardless of race, IQ, occupation, status, income, overall health or even disabilities. Unfortunately, the consequences have been less than a utopia, a paradise or even heavenly.


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