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John Prytz (John Prytz)
Are Black Holes Evidence For A Simulated (Virtual Reality) Universe?

Action-At-A-Distance? How does gravity work? Well, gravity and the electromagnetic force are very much akin - sort of like brother and sister. Both extend outwards (theoretically) to infinity. Both observe the inverse square relationship. When it comes to the electromagnetic force, it is the photon that conveys that force. When it comes to gravity, it is the graviton that conveys the force of gravity. Of course the fly-in-the-ointment is that the graviton hasn't been found yet. However, it is postulated to exist, much like the Higgs Boson was expected to turn up eventually - and did. It is expected that when gravitational waves are detected, well that will put the icing on the graviton cake. Anyway, gravitons are an accepted part of the standard model of particle physics.

Here's a question: A Black Hole generates gravity but how can that gravity (graviton particles) extend beyond the Black Hole's Event Horizon? How is this possible? Why is this so?

So here's the paradox. Nothing can readily escape from inside the Event Horizon of a Black Hole*, not even photons of light and other electromagnetic radiation can flee from a Black Hole once trapped inside. But obviously gravity and gravitons can escape from a Black Hole since a Black Hole has gravity which extends beyond the Event Horizon. So photons can't and gravitons can so IMHO something is screwy somewhere. Perhaps this is just another cosmic oops made by our fallible Supreme Programmer who I often postulate as the entity responsible for creating our virtual reality landscape!

*Excepting of course Hawking Radiation but that's like a slow dripping faucet compared to a gushing fire hose. In any event, when it comes to a Black Hole, one can easily say that incoming matter and energy exceeds outgoing matter and energy - except for the anomaly of the graviton.