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John Prytz (John Prytz)
Arguments in Favour of the Simulation Hypothesis!

Arguments in favour of the Simulation Hypothesis include...

*That we 'exist' in a simulated landscape as virtual reality beings is a highly probable scenario given the ratio of really real realities (one) to virtual realities (many).

*Simulations are NOT a theoretical concept.

*Simulations are useful in explaining 'natural' anomalies, enigmas, paradoxes, inconsistencies, and contradictions as well as stuff-ups.

*The Simulation Hypothesis has a logical relationship to the Holographic Universe Hypothesis (i.e. - depth is really an illusion).

*The Simulation Hypothesis is consistent with Max Tegmark's Mathematical Cosmos Hypothesis.

*The Simulation Hypothesis explains the observations that suggest that the cosmos has some degree of design and fine-tuning about it, even just from the point-of-view of pure physics.

*The simulations coherent with the Simulation Hypothesis could easily be derived by humans for humans (albeit humans in our far future with highly advanced and sophisticated computing technologies). There's no need to postulate E.T. (although you can if you wish).

*There's some scientific evidence to hand via the discoveries by Professor Jim Gates (see YouTube videos) of computer codes inherent in the mathematical equations that underpin the cosmos.

*There's no theology involved.

Speaking of theology, theists of course say that "With God all things are possible"; the Simulation Hypothesis equivalent is of course "With special effects all things are possible". I really don't know any way around that. Fortunately, there are other arguments in favour of the Simulation Hypothesis that do not rely on special effects. Primary among them is that any base reality (really real reality) can generate an untold number of virtual realities. If there is a worm living in a basket full of thousands of red apples and one green apple, what's the odds that I'll find the worm in the green apple? The Simulation Hypothesis has credibility if for no other reason than it's not a theoretical concept since we humans have generated thousands of such simulations the number of which are increasing daily and increasing in sophistication. Further, unlike any theism (the God Hypothesis), there's no religious baggage one has to accommodate in the Simulation Hypothesis. That's the main thing I have going for it for it I guess!