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John Prytz (John Prytz)
The Simulation Hypothesis and Mind Over Body / The Placebo Effect

The ordinary run-of-the-mill Placebo Effect is one thing (one mind; one body), but when mind-over-body gets taken to extreme and even ludicrous lengths (many minds; one body) then special effects programming seem like a logical requirement.

Now you would no doubt believe that if a body has a medical condition then that body has that medical condition. But one body can have more than one mind and such a condition is often referred to as multiple personality disorder. Now each mind will have in the same body its own unique set of medical conditions which will come and go; appear and disappear as that personality comes and goes. So say you have this body and personality A has associated with it medical condition X (but not Y or Z); personality B has medical condition Y (but not X or Z); and personality C has medical condition Z (but not X or Y). But as personality A becomes personality B, malady X disappears and malady Y appears then in turn disappears as personality C comes to the fore along with malady Z. This is totally crazy but also totally verified.

There are of course some limits (like death - see below). One's body doesn't become pregnant then not-pregnant then pregnant again as the body's personalities come and go. Bones aren't broken for one personality and unbroken when there's a change to the next personality. But any medical condition that the real Placebo Effect can have on a body just inhabited by one mind equally works for any one mind (at a time and in turn) that's part of a multiple collective of minds - dual personalities in one body.

Here's another extreme illustration of the Placebo Effect. We've all seen pictures of those rather strange and unique individuals who can embrace all manner of self-inflicted tortures without pain or suffering or experiencing injury; individuals who survive (even thrive) being hung by meat hooks through their flesh, who seem to be nearly immune to intense heat or who have swords run through them - no blood; no medical condition results. Then too we've seen karate experts who can punch through solid bricks and boards without flinching or even feeling a thing - as in severe bruising or broken bones. Initiation ceremonies in lots of tribal cultures are another example of mind-over-body - the Placebo Effect.

But if the Placebo Effect is so effective, then why do we ultimately die? Even if you took a daily anti-death pill that you were 100% convinced would prevent your demise, you will still eventually kick-the-bucket. It seems as if not even the Placebo Effect can overcome death and therefore might there be something else going on behind the scenes - like programming.