Some More Bits & Pieces That Are Out Of This World

Sometimes you have a new thought, an idea, or eureka moment, but it’s not gutsy enough to expand into a reasonable length article or essay. So, here’s a potpourri of thoughts too good not to record, but with not enough meat available to flesh out.


* In our Universe there are two kinds of astronomical objects. There are cosmic faucets like stars and anything else that gives off or reflects electromagnetic (EM) waves. That’s the cosmic “In Tray”. Then there are cosmic sinks and drains that absorb electromagnetic waves – Black Holes, the cosmic “Out Tray”.

Prayers & Miracles: Two Sides Of A Non-Existent Coin

Believe all you want in prayers and miracles, but IMHO they are just two sides of a non-existent coin!

We all pray, and usually for miracles! That’s what prayer is ultimately all about. But, does prayer work and do miracles actually happen? The answer, IMHO, is a resounding ‘NO’ in both cases.

In A Simulated (Virtual Reality) Universe, A Literal Bible?

The Bible is apparently one of the best, if not the best selling books of all times. Why it isn’t for sale though in the mythology or fiction section of bookstores (or available in similar locations in libraries) is beyond me. Simply put, The Bible isn’t believable as non-fiction and as a historically accurate record of those ancient times.


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